Social Media Toolkit

Share Your Excitement for #CADCAMidYear!

Are you ready to make a splash at CADCA's Mid-Year Training Institute? Before you dive into the premier prevention event of the summer, let's maximize your social media presence!

Prevention enthusiasts from across the world are gathering in Chicago, IL for the 23rd Annual Mid-Year Training Institute. Get ready and spread the word with help from our Social Media Toolkit. Don't forget to include the official hashtag #CADCAMidYear in your posts!
Click your preferred social media platform, then right click the image to save
I'm Attending: Facebook, X/Twitter, Linkedin | Instagram | Instagram Story
We're Attending: Facebook, X/Twitter, Linkedin | Instagram | Instagram Story
I'm Presenting: Facebook, X/Twitter, Linkedin | Instagram | Instagram Story
Mid-Year Offers: Facebook, X/Twitter, Linkedin | Instagram | Instagram Story
What is Mid-Year: Facebook, X/Twitter, Linkedin | Instagram | Instagram Story

See the example social media text to use or adapt
  1. I'm attending #CADCAMidYear in Chicago, IL from July 14-18! Can't wait to network and learn with prevention professionals from around the globe.
  2. I can't wait to attend [Insert your favorite session] on [X Day] at [X Time]! Will I see you there? #CADCAMidYear
  3. Want to learn about [Insert Presentation Topic]? Join me as I present on [X Day] at [X time]! #CADCAMidYear
  4. My coalition is attending #CADCAMidYear to learn from prevention leaders across the globe and bring back those lessons to our community.
  5. Join us on July 14-18 in Chicago, IL for #CADCAMidYear, the premiere prevention event of the summer, to get the prevention tools you need to make change in your community.